Sarah Maylott
New to the SNRF family, Sarah Maylott is entering her fourth year of the Ph.D. program in Developmental Psychology, at the University of Miami. Sarah’s research focuses on infants’ social cognitive development, using eye tracking technology. She hopes to create a baseline of healthy social cognitive development that will bring about earlier detection of developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder. Sarah also studies cognitive changes in women during pregnancy, as well as the implications for subsequent behavioral changes occurring in mothers. She seeks to provide new insight for women who are experiencing this unique period of development. In her free time, Sarah enjoys being outdoors with her two dogs, Dooley and Dakota.
2019 SNRF Scholar-University of Miami

Elle Wiggins
Elle Wiggins, a 2018 SNRF scholarship recipient, is entering her fourth year of the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology, with a specialization in Neuropsychology, at the University of Florida. Elle’s research focuses on the older adult brain in the context of surgery. She recently proposed her dissertation which aims to help evaluate the efficacy of digital cognitive screening tools that can be implemented in hospital settings to identify older adults most at risk for negative post-operative outcomes. She hopes that her research will one day help identify older adults at risk for cognitive decline, resulting in earlier intervention and a more comfortable life. When not in the laboratory, Elle enjoys exploring Florida and spending time with her pup, Waffle!
2019 SNRF Scholar-University of Florida

Charles Moreno
Charles Moreno, a 2017-2018 SNRF scholarship recipient, completed his third year in the neuropsychology track of the Clinical and Health Psychology doctoral program at the University of Florida. After serving a tour in Afghanistan as a US Marine, he was motivated to research concussions. He worked in a dementia research laboratory for three years that led to further interest in memory disorders. Charles’ clinical and research interests include memory and perception changes following mild traumatic brain injury and repetitive brain injuries in collision sport athletes. He is also interested in identifying the overlapping neuropathological features and clinical symptoms between individuals with repetitive head injuries and Alzheimer's disease. When not in class or conducting research, Charles enjoys training Brazilian jiu-jitsu and kickboxing as well as playing with his dog, Xena!
2019 SNRF Scholar-University of Florida

Caitlin Brown Stamatis
Caitlin Brown Stamatis, a 2016-2017-2018 SNRF scholarship recipient, is a rising fifth-year Ph.D. student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Miami. She completed her B.A. in Psychology at Columbia University and her M.S. in Clinical Health Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Caitlin’s research focuses on cognitive and psychiatric assessment of bilinguals with severe mental illness, examining how linguistic and cultural features may influence perceived symptom severity and effortful control. Outside the office, Caitlin's love of travel has led her to live in seven cities across four countries, including the mountainous microstate of Andorra
2019 SNRF Scholar-University of Miami

Angela Bonilla
Angela is motivated, driven, and loves the relaxed and stress-free environment at TiAnViCa Riding Academy, where she enjoys improved balance from her lessons.
2019 SNRF TiAnViCa Rider

Brett M.
Brett is a happy, silly and independent rider who loves to learn! His lessons help improve his communication skills and give him a fun hobby which allows him to learn to help others as well as animals.
2019 SNRF TiAnViCa Rider